As of January 2022, on the heels of widespread child abuse allegations in the nonprofit sector, all organizations meeting the definition of a “youth service organization” must take certain steps [...]
Task Four: Election of Officers There is one more task that can be accomplished by the Incorporator—the appointment of officers. However, it is possible that this task is going to be on the [...]
Have you ever wondered about the legal implications of prayer cards that churches use in their weekly services? Many churches offer these cards as a means for members to let the church know their [...]
Over the past few issues of the newsletter, we have provided excerpts from our upcoming book on managing the nonprofit organization. We are providing an advance look at the part of the book that [...]
Regardless of how a church is organized, whether as a nonprofit association or corporation, it should have a governing document that sets out the basic features of its management. Unincorporated [...]
For a wide variety of reasons, many with deep historical or theological roots, churches often want to avoid entanglements with government agencies. Concerns about state interference in religious [...]
Delegation by Boards of Directors Boards and their officers often fall into habits that define the relationship between the president or CEO and the board. On occasion, these habits will drift [...]
Church leaders owe their organizations and each other a range of special obligations. Some of these obligations are moral and ethical in nature, but some also have a legal character. Anyone who [...]
Churches often begin as an informal community of individuals who gather together to pursue common religious interests. A church can successfully operate like this for many years without problems. [...]