Partnering with a for-profit business can be a way for a nonprofit to greatly enhance its fundraising efforts. In a so-called commercial coventure, the for-profit business shares a portion of its [...]
Donors to nonprofits will sometimes attach conditions to their gifts. Restrictions can limit how an organization uses funds. When an organization is offered a gift that comes with strings [...]
Branding is an essential component of any nonprofit’s broader efforts to raise money and serve its mission. An organization’s trademarks can become core assets with real value. But they can also [...]
Church leaders owe their organizations and each other a range of special obligations. Some of these obligations are moral and ethical in nature, but some also have a legal character. Anyone who [...]
California has the largest population of veterans in the nation. Service members sometimes need help transitioning from military to civilian life. Some veterans return from military life with [...]
Churches and other religious nonprofits often require their employees be members of the faith. But an employee’s religious views may change over time. When an employee decides to leave the faith, [...]
Churches often begin as an informal community of individuals who gather together to pursue common religious interests. A church can successfully operate like this for many years without problems. [...]
Like any legal entity, religious corporations can reach a point where they no longer have a purpose. A corporation can be formed for a church that ends up not going forward, or it can be formed [...]