For any nonprofit, choosing a name is an important part of getting organized. In some ways it can also be a surprisingly difficult process. Organizations that plan to interact with the public [...]
Throughout American history churches have played an interesting and sometimes controversial role in political debates. Under the Johnson Amendment, a modification to the Internal Revenue Code [...]
Because they are conveniently located within communities, churches are often selected to serve as polling places during elections. There are plenty of interesting questions that can be asked [...]
Churches are sometimes tempted to lend their support to political candidates with whom they share common values or interests. But U.S. tax law restricts the kinds of political speech churches and [...]
Every nonprofit in California must register with the state attorney general’s office. The purpose of registration is to assist the state’s efforts to monitor nonprofits’ compliance with the rules [...]
A nonprofit that plans to do political work—lobbying, proposing legislation, and so on—can receive tax-exempt status from the IRS and state tax authorities as a social welfare organization. At [...]
Complying with formal notice requirements is an important piece of any organization’s governance. In businesses where legal formalities are given little or no consideration, It can be easy to [...]
Social welfare nonprofits are often established to provide a tax-exempt vehicle for organizing around a specific political topic. Under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, social [...]
With another political season upon us people are organizing to support causes they care about. One means of doing that is to form a so-called social welfare organization, a type of nonprofit that [...]
Branding is an essential component of any nonprofit’s broader efforts to raise money and serve its mission. An organization’s trademarks can become core assets with real value. But they can also [...]