When debts begin to spiral out of control, bankruptcy offers an avenue for an organization to take a degree of control over how it resolves the problem. Like churches, 501(c)(4) social welfare [...]
Many 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations are set up with an inherent political purpose in mind. In a sense, pursuing activities to promote general welfare is by definition a political aim. But [...]
The laws of the United States provide several avenues for organizations to promote political ideas without being subject to income tax. The favorable treatment these organizations receive allows [...]
The political conversation never stops, but during major campaign years it goes into overdrive. This is never more true than during presidential election years, when voters are most tuned in to [...]
Politicians and political organizations are always looking for ways to get their message in front of as many people as possible. Churches, with their reliable audiences and shared values, can be [...]
Nonprofits have long been an important part of our society’s broad conversations about controversial subjects. Whenever passions run deep around a given topic, the people and organizations that [...]
The right to vote is central to a thriving democracy. In recent years there have been a number of cases where voting rights have been perceived as under attack or underused by the public. In [...]
One reason a nonprofit might seek to qualify as a 501(c)(4) organization is to pursue lobbying activities at the federal or state level. Unlike other popular forms of nonprofit, a 501(c)(4) can [...]
Setting up a 501(c)(4) organization to pursue lobbying efforts involves many different moving parts. The organization itself needs to be established. Potential donors must be identified and [...]
As defined under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), a social welfare organization is an entity operated without profit and exclusively for the promotion of public welfare. [...]