Insurance is often a big budget item for any organization. Keeping premium costs down is important, but sometimes a policy is necessary to manage risks, whether from physical damage and injuries [...]
For a variety of reasons, most directors of nonprofits do their work on a voluntary basis. As a volunteer, a nonprofit’s director can set an example for the community by donating time and energy [...]
In the nonprofit world, success often leads to growth, which in turn makes running an organization more complex. Few directors have unlimited time to dedicate to running a nonprofit. [...]
Change is an inevitable part of running an organization. Even a small change, like the adoption of a new recordkeeping process, can create a surprising amount of work. But big changes, especially [...]
Successfully running a nonprofit takes skill and creativity. It also takes discipline. Too often a nonprofit’s board of directors grows lax in its adherence to governing rules and procedures, [...]
Conflicts of interest within a nonprofit’s leadership group can create thorny problems for the organization if they are not properly managed. Undisclosed or unresolved conflicts can lead to [...]