Although it is always hard for a nonprofit agency to turn down any gift from a donor, some gifts may be more trouble than they are worth. Having a clear gift acceptance policy can help you [...]
Elections and Legislation: What a 501(1)(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation Can Say – and What It Can’t Under Federal Law
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Federal law places some limits on the ability of 501(1)(c)(3) nonprofit corporations to involve themselves in politics. Agencies that are exempt from tax under 501(1)(c)(3) must focus their [...]
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Notice 2021-56, which better defines the standards for limited liability companies (LLCs) to obtain 501(c)(3) status. The IRS last issued [...]
An endowment is a type of investment mechanism that many nonprofit organizations utilize to manage their assets for the future. Professional financial advisory firms typically handle endowments [...]
The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments this spring in the case of a former Seattle-area football coach who lost his job after he refused to stop praying on the high school football [...]
On December 17, 2021, a California appellate court issued its opinion in Woods v. American Film Institute. This case affirmed the legal principle that volunteers who expected no compensation do [...]
The U.S Supreme Court heard arguments last month in the case of Carson v. Makin, which concerns the Religion and Equal Protection Clauses of the U.S. Constitution. In this case, the high Court [...]
What Are the Three Different Types of Nonprofit Corporations that You Can Form Under California Law?
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California law provides for three different types of nonprofit corporations: Public benefit corporations Mutual benefit corporations Religious corporations While all types of nonprofit [...]
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a decision in the case of Orr v. Christian Brothers High School, Inc. et al., which addresses the application of the ministerial exception to a [...]
Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board Readopts Updated COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard
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The Division of Occupational Safety and Health or Cal/OSHA is a division in the California Department of Industrial Relations. Its function is to protect California workers from health and safety [...]