When debts begin to spiral out of control, bankruptcy offers an avenue for an organization to take a degree of control over how it resolves the problem. Like churches, 501(c)(4) social welfare [...]
Managing nonprofits is a huge challenge. Many nonprofits rely on a mix of full-time, part-time, and volunteer staff to the work that would be reserved for full-time, trained employees at a [...]
Keeping employees, volunteers, church members, and visitors safe is important not only because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it reduces a church’s financial risk. At an [...]
There are many who say that running an organization is chiefly about managing risk. In the nonprofit realm, managing risk often involves a mixture of revenue generation, careful financial [...]
Like any other organization, nonprofit or otherwise, a church needs to enter into contracts with other organizations as part of its operations. As churches grow or establish long histories, [...]
Nonprofits have long been an important part of our society’s broad conversations about controversial subjects. Whenever passions run deep around a given topic, the people and organizations that [...]
Serving alcohol at events can be a good way to encourage socializing and build community. But it also raises significant concerns that need to be addressed at the event planning stage. After [...]
For a variety of reasons, it often makes sense for a church to own cars and vans for the use of its staff and volunteers. In addition to the practical advantages of having a designated vehicle [...]
Nonprofits may be tempted to view major sporting events like the Super Bowl, the NBA Finals, or the World Series as a fundraising rallying point. Perhaps donors are asked to buy tickets to an [...]
Individuals in a church’s positions of trust, like directors and officers, can be tempted to steal money or other valuable assets of the church for their own purposes. Such thefts are a form of [...]